Building Trust in AI: Insights from a Master Negotiator

Andrew Cheung
2 min readJul 4, 2024


Scott Walker

Last night, I had the privilege of meeting Scott Walker at an 1 Club event, one of the world’s most experienced kidnap-for-ransom negotiators and the author of Order Out of Chaos.

As a product manager, I frequently negotiate with various stakeholders, and Scott’s insights resonated deeply with me. One key takeaway was the importance of seeking mutual ground rather than trying to win — striving for a true win-win situation.

Building trust is essential in this process and is particularly critical in the field of AI product development and AI as a service. Deploying AI and integrating this technology into existing business models demands a significant level of trust, which must be earned.

Here are a few strategies to build trust in AI product development:
Transparency: Clearly communicate how AI algorithms work and make decisions.

1. Transparency: Clearly communicate how AI algorithms work and make decisions
2. Ethical Standards: Ensure AI systems are designed and used ethically.
2. Human in the loop: Actively seek and incorporate feedback from human to improve trustworthiness.

That’s why I am proud to advise AI DIONIC, a company dedicated to providing Trustworthy and Responsible AI solutions.

How do you build trust in your professional relationships? Let’s share our strategies and learn from each other!



Andrew Cheung

AI Consultant & Product Manager | Specialising in AI Strategy & transformation | Enhancing Business and User Journeys