How AI Can Enhance Interior Design — A Real-World Application

Andrew Cheung
2 min readMay 8, 2024


Recently, I shared my thoughts with a brilliant interior architect: Satchel Tang, to shape an AI strategy for his new business. Our discussions focused on integrating AI into interior design without compromising his brand’s core value.

The Role of AI in Customer Experience

The primary goal is to make furniture, home decor & accessories accessible by partnering exclusively with accredited suppliers. We explored how AI could support this mission effectively without becoming a distraction.

Identifying Our Ideal User Group

We initially targeted anyone interested in furnishing their homes but decided to refine our approach by identifying specific customer archetypes:

1. The casual buyer with basic knowledge of colour and space.

2. The enthusiast has a specific colour theme but limited exploration.

3. The informed non-professional who understands space, light paths, fabrics, and textures.

The last archetype was particularly insightful. It helped us better understand the potential customer’s behaviour and journey and allowed us to focus more precisely on their needs and expectations.

Recognising Friction and Harnessing AI

We realised that shopping for home decor and accessories, while fun and exciting, must seamlessly integrate with aesthetic and functional requirements. Our breakthrough came when we recognised the importance of understanding spatial dynamics. AI can help reduce this friction by improving how customers visualise and interact with the products.

Practical Application of AI

AI can simulate various design scenarios, allowing users to envision their spaces with different options and combinations. This ensures a good fit and aligns with their aesthetic values and practical needs.
Furthermore, we plan to use LLMs to enhance user expression and prompt discussions on potentially overlooked areas, guiding them to discover aspects they hadn’t considered.

We’re also developing an AI-powered recommendation engine that aligns customer preferences with aesthetically pleasing products. This system will adapt based on user feedback, continuously improving its accuracy.

Envisioning the Outcome

We anticipate that the right AI applications will not directly boost sales but will significantly enhance the quality of leads by engaging clients more likely to convert. This strategy will streamline the customer journey, increasing both business efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Lastly, it’s crucial to consider and mitigate any potential unwanted outcomes of integrating AI, building clear rules and boundaries and involving humans in the loop.

Join the Discussion

Do you think AI could redefine the customer experience in your industry? How do you see technology enhancing your business without overshadowing your core values? Let’s discuss how we can make technology work for us, not against us!



Andrew Cheung

AI Consultant & Product Manager | Specialising in AI Strategy & transformation | Enhancing Business and User Journeys